“Latvijas Finieris” Lays a Cornerstone for the Second Phase in Estonia


Latvijas Finieris Group is expanding the operations of the factory Kohila Vineer near Tallinn in Estonia by developing full cycle production of plywood and related products.


The start of the second phase of Kohila Vineer development will be marked by laying a cornerstone on 12 August 2015, in the presence of project cooperation partners and local municipality leaders. H.E. Juris Bone, the Ambassador of the Republic Latvia to the Republic of Estonia, has confirmed his attendance.

The new factory of 17 700 square meters, including the office building, will feature the wooden load-bearing structural elements manufactured by Peetri Puit OÜ, being one of the few examples in the construction of industrial facilities in the Baltics. General contractor, another Estonian company Maru Ehitus OÜ, will be responsible for the design and construction works. Project development is carried out in cooperation with SEB Pank.


“The second phase in the development of Kohila Vineer is part of Latvijas Finieris Group growth plan with an aim to offer customers a wider range of products and a more complete service. Significant preparatory work has been done already to implement this project within the set deadlines and quality, and together with our partners we will accomplish it.”

Jānis Ciems, CEO of Latvijas Finieris.


Equipment is being manufactured by the leading companies focused on birch plywood industry in Finland, Austria, Germany and Latvia. Preparatory work is on schedule and installation of some equipment is expected to start in September already.


Creation of a strong future personnel team is one of the priorities today, therefore significant attention is being devoted to selection of new specialists. They will learn the required specific skills and obtain practical experience in Latvia, in order to quickly take over the work with equipment specially ordered and manufactured according to the latest technology standards and global best practice.

The capacity of the expanded factory will reach 45 thousand cubic meters of birch plywood per year, 230 employees will work at the factory. Total investments since 2011 will reach 80 million EUR, including this project.The project is to be implemented by the end of 2016.